Pet Health

Welcome To The Pet Health Library!

Welcome to the home of the pet health library. We vets realize that there’s a lot of good, useful information on the web to help guide our decisions about diseases and treatment protocols. We also realize there is a ton of unsubstantiated information that can be posted by just about anyone – and a lot of it can harm your pet!

That’s why we created this page. Dr. Tom thought it would be helpful to reference a lot of the decisions we make at our hospital and easily refer you to the right place if you want to read more about the why and how of what we do here. Stay tuned as we will be continually updating this site with tons of helpful links and handouts.

Pet Health Articles

Kitten Care
Kitten Care Tips from Our Veterinary Clinic in Asbury Park, NJ How to Take Care of Your New Kitten Being the owner of a kitten is an exciting time. You’ll have a lot of fun caring for your cute new pet, but you need to be sure you know how to take care of your new kitten.

Puppy Care
How to Care for Your New Puppy Information on Puppy Vaccines, Food, Care, & Training in Asbury Park, NJ Becoming the owner of a puppy is a joyous occasion. But, there is a lot you need to know about puppy care.

Lyme Disease Treatment for Dogs
Lyme Disease Treatment for Dogs in Asbury Park, NJ No one wants their dog to have Lyme disease, but the good news is that most cases are treatable. City By The Sea Veterinary Hospital in Asbury Park, NJ is experienced in treating Lyme disease in dogs.

Pet Behavior
Understanding Cat & Dog Behavior City By The Sea Veterinary Hospital is a trusted choice for pet behavior solutions in Asbury Park, NJ. Our practice helps pet owners equip themselves with the tools and knowledge to improve their pet’s behavior.

Dogs & Cats Dental Cleaning
Dental Care for Dogs in Asbury Park City By The Sea Veterinary Hospital will give your furry companion a fresh, healthy smile with our dental care services for dogs or cats in Asbury Park, NJ.

Flea & Tick Prevention
Tick and Flea Prevention in Asbury Park City By The Sea Veterinary Hospital provides your pet with treatments and products for flea and tick prevention in Asbury Park, NJ. We provide safe and effective flea and tick prevention for cats and dogs.

Pyometra In Dogs And Cats
Experienced Pyometra Diagnosis and Treatment in Asbury Park, NJ Pyometra in dogs and cats can lead to a life-threatening infection. City By The Sea Veterinary Hospital provides education and treatment for pyometra.

Importance Of Pets Dental Health
Experienced Veterinary Pet Health Care in Asbury Park, NJ Why Do Pets Need Dental Care?  City By The Sea Veterinary Hospital offers the highest level of pet dental health care for your dog and cat in Asbury Park, NJ.

Pet Arthritis
Treating Pet Arthritis in Asbury Park, NJ  As your pets get older, you may notice it’s harder for them to get up. Pet arthritis is a common health issue for cats and dogs.

Intestinal Parasites In Dogs And Cats
Pet Parasite Removal in Asbury Park, NJ What Are Intestinal Parasites? Though common, parasites can be a scary disease in dogs and cats. Many people think of external parasites like fleas and ticks, but our pets have other lurking parasites.

Pet Ear Infections
Ear Infections In Pets Ear infections are the number one reason a pet comes into our clinic. The unique shape of a dog’s ear canal makes them more susceptible to ear infections. If dogs have floppy ears or love to swim, the risk for ear infections is elevated.

Pet Allergy
Pet Allergy Services for Your Furry Family Members Just like us, our furry friends get allergies. City By The Sea Veterinary Hospital is happy to help diagnose and treat your pet’s allergies.